Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week4 ~ People are Getting on My Nerves

How many of you can say that I got on your nerves because I am so late in posting this week.. I am so sorry it has just been one of those weeks:( Well last weeks title was People are getting on my nerves and I am positive that we can all relate to that phrase.. Because TRUTH be told People DO get on our nerves.. it can be your spouse, your kids, your relatives, your friends. your boss and coworkers or just strangers.. But people do get on our nerves and that is normal.. The lesson we learned though was how to treat people who get on our nerves...The memory verse was Romans 12:18 "If possible, on your part,live at peace with everyone" Day 1 ~ Living Peacefully, our focus was Finding peace with self leads to peace with others... We read the story in John 14:1-27 and it was the story in the bible where JESUS gathers all his disciples together and then tells them he is leaving with no explanations just "I am leaving to go prepare a place for you".. Just a few words can totally throw you off track and disrupt your peace. Jesus words had this effect on HIS disciples as He told them this, we talked about how they must have felt or how we feel when something happens like that.. some of the words were shocked, hurt,confused, attacked,betrayed, sad....and then we go to" What About Me?" It is so true when something like this happens we are all about SELF... what about me? What is going to happen to me?What should I do? Me,Me, Me.. Did you know that SELF lies at the heart of many problems we face in dealing with people?? Jesus offers his peace to us.John 14:27 says Peace I leave with you: (My) own peace I now give you and bequeath to you.Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled,neither let them be afraid. Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed;and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled. Jesus flat out says we do not have to be afraid we do not have to be troubled, we do not have to be troubled,He has given us HIS Peace!!In the Book of Romans is a personal letter from Paul to the church in Rome. Paul addresses the differences in people.We may have different spiritual gifts,different behavioural styles, and different ideas of right and wrong. But, Paul encourages believers to aggressively reach out to others through Christ's love regardless of differences..I encourage YOU that the next time you run into someone who frustrates you, make appoint to be especially kind to that person, perhaps that person needs to be shown kindness.. We truly need to get SELF out the way and consider the other persons needs. You have no idea what others are going through. Each person you meet may carry a heavy burden and my favorite saying is You May Be the closest thing to CHRIST that person has ever seen so shine his light! It is so easy to bless those who you are nice to you and that you love, on the other hand if someone is being mean to you or has treated you wrong, hand it over to Jesus Christ and let him handle it for you, it take supernatural powers!Just remember that when you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior,he cleaned you up and filled you with HIS righteousness. He knows your personality and He knows the problems you experience. Remember if you focus on HIM by worshipping HIM,loving HIM, and seeking HIS guidance, HE will empower you to get along with others-no matter how difficult they may be..I challenge YOU to see people through Christ's eyes and seek his wisdom to show you how to treat others, oh HE will and it will be the right way!!

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